Summer solstice is the longest day for the Northern Hemisphere and kick starts a season of fire festivals and long nights under the stars. At our home, we like to celebrate summer solstice by displaying colorful Suns that illuminate and adorn our seasonal display with their golden rays.

What you need:
Begin by prepping the background. The technique you will be using is called "wet-on-wet painting". Dip a large painting brush into clean tap water and use this brush to moisten your watercolor paper with water. Once moist, choose different colors (I went with yellow, orange, and red to mimic the colors of the Sun) and loosely apply them to the paper using the same big brush. Do not spend too much time adding detail to the page. The colors will merge beautifully on their own - simply by applying them to the wet paper.
Let your background dry for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Once dry, use two differently sized circular stencils (I used two plates: one 8'' plate and one 9'' plate) to draw two circles onto your background. The smaller circle should be placed in the center of the larger circle (see image below).
Using sharp scissors, cut out the Sun's "rays". Here, you will have to use the outer, larger circle as a reference point (i.e. cut towards the outer circle). Your Sun's "rays" do not have to be perfectly straight or in line. Imperfections will look beautiful.
Using the same pair of sharp scissors, cut out the inner, smaller circle.
Use a hole puncher to randomly punch holes in the space between the inner, smaller and the outer, larger circles.
Using school glue and scissors fill the voids with transparency paper. You can do this in many different ways. I chose to stick to yellow, orange, and red. But you can use any color and pattern you like.
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