These simple mason jar lanterns look beautiful when lit in the dark and are a perfect craft to do on Martinmas, November 11.

What you need:
- Mason Jars (I used 16 oz. jars)
- Matte Mod Podge
- A medium size brush
- White Tissue Paper
- Black Construction Paper
- Sharp Pencil
- Sharp Scissors
- Rustic Yarn
- tea light candle
1. Use the black construction paper and pencil to create the outline of a stencil. I decided to create 3 different gnome stencils for each lantern, but really any motif will do. Some other ideas I had include: St. Martin on his horse, fairy, houses with open windows, moon/stars, fairytale characters etc.
2. Using the sharp scissors, cut out the stencil and reproduce the silhouette as often as desired (I made a set of 20 lanterns and handed them out as small Christmas gifts).
3. Using the medium size brush, evenly distribute matte type modpodge on the mason jar. Reapply as needed.
4. Place your black silhouette on the mason jar with the modpodge. The silhouette should stick. Then, use the brush to distribute a generous amount of modpodge on top of your silhouette. Make sure that the edges are glued down.
5. Now, rip the white tissue paper into quarter sized pieces and distribute the pieces across the mason jar. Make sure to also cover your silhouettes with white tissue paper. The silhouette might disappear under the white paper in certain spots, but trust me when I say that it will reappear once the lantern is lit in the dark.
6. Tie a piece of rustic yarn around the rim of the jar. This will help hide any imperfections.
7. Place a tea light candle in the center of the jar and enjoy the lantern's warm glow.
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