I am so excited to be sharing this tutorial with you all. This beautiful 'fairy house' lantern is made from common household items and is a perfect craft for the little flower fairies in your life.

Empty milk carton
Brown paper bag
Beige Painter's tape
Modge Podge and foam brush
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Drawing materials: sharpened pencil, ruler, compass (optional)
Sharp scissors
X-acto knife (I used this one)
Gardening wire and wire cutter
Decorating materials: tissue paper, doilies, black construction paper
Using the X-acto knife, cut off the top of the milk carton to create the house's 'roof top' (the front and the back of the carton will be pointy, the sides will be flat - see pictures below). As you can see, the edges do not have to be perfect. We will later fix them with painter's tape.
Using a sharpened pencil, trace all four sides of your milk carton house onto the brown paper bag. Use sharp scissors to cut out all four sides.
Use Modge Podge as well as a broad foam brush to apply the four paper bag sides to the pre-cut milk carton.
Use beige painter's tape to firmly attach all of the house's edges to the milk carton. This will also help you in making sure that the edges are straight.
Use a set of drawing tools to draw a set of windows and doors onto the front side of your house (I chose to go with a circular window, two 1-inch square windows, as well as an arch way). I chose to leave parts of my arch way attached to the house in order for its doors to "open" on demand.
Using the X-acto knife, carefully cut out all windows and doors (this step should definitely be completed by an ADULT).
Again, attach painter's tape to the edges of the windows and doors.

You can now begin decorating your fairy house using a hot glue gun and a variety of different materials. I used tissue paper (two darker shades of pink as well as a grass green) to create floral decorations along the rooftop as well as the circular window. I also used a doily to create valance curtains for each of the 1-inch square windows. Finally, I used twigs to embellish the window frames.
Using black construction paper as well as scissors, cut out a simple fairy to attach to inside of one of the windows.
OPTIONAL: line the interior front of the house with wax paper to create a more translucent gloom.
Using a hole puncher, punch a hole into the two pointy ends of the fairy house. Thread two pieces of gardening wire through the two holes and attach them to a twig or small branch.
Add a candle (OR if you live in a dry environment such as California... opt for a flameless candle) and enjoy.

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