I made these bookmarks as a little gift for my bookclub friends. Due to COVID-19, my bookclub has been meeting via Zoom and I just wanted to remind my friends that I love them from afar.


On a brown paper shopping bag and using a ruler and sharp pencil, draw 6 rectangles (dimensions 5 x 2 inches).
Into each rectangle, draw an outline of any vegetable or fruit (I decided to focus on bulbous vegetables). A rough draft is sufficient.
Using two fine brushes and a set of Acrylic colors, color in your outlines. I started by just using primary colors and added detail in the the next step.

Add detail to your colored in outlines. Detail may include different shades of green to make the leaves pop, small specks of brown to hint at residual dirt, white to imitate spots of light, etc.
Using your finest brush, outline each vegetable with white Acrylic paint (this gives your image dimension and will make it "pop").
Let your images dry for at least 10 minutes.
Cut out your bookmarks using sharp scissors.

Laminate each bookmark using a thermal laminator (see "materials" section for a recommended brand).
Using a hole puncher, punch a hole into each bookmark and add a piece of string.